Compiere Value Assessment
In today's competitive market, time to value plays a major role in the viability of an organization. Organizations accelerate time to value by optimizing operational efficiency through new or replacement ERP deployments. Prior to investing time and labor on these critical implementations, due diligence on a target solution needs to be done to determine fit and costs.
Compiere's commercial open source ERP solution allows you to download and try the ERP solution for free . Now, to accelerate time to value, Compiere offers a Value Assessment that provides you with: a return on your investment analysis, a prototype that meets your business requirements, and an implementation plan along with process improvements, in just 3 weeks.
So, engage with a Compiere Value Assessment Specialist to understand your costs, see a prototype of your solution and get the assurance of a well-planned implementation before you start your project.
Call 1-888-826-6766 for an appointment today or contact a Value Assessment Specialist to assist you.